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Sports Chiropractic in Madison

Madison is an active area, where many people of all ages are involved with physical activities and sports—and at Back Care Plus, we do our best to keep all those people functioning optimally and playing at their best level. Injuries are bound to happen, but with expert chiropractic care, we can get you back on the court (or wherever your sport is played) as quickly as possible.

Man holding basketballStudent Athletes

Parents aren’t always aware that chiropractic care can help with their kids’ sports injuries. When Dr. Hoover was a teen, his mom had been receiving regular chiropractic care, but until Dr. Hoover showed up at his mom’s appointment on crutches and the doctor offered to fix him up, they didn’t realize chiropractic could help with sports injuries.

In fact, chiropractic care can help athletes of any age and ability recover from injuries quickly and efficiently. We see a wide range of injuries, depending on the sport. Many football players are injured in the weight room, and we see low-back injuries in those cases. Wide receivers get shoulder injuries. Volleyball players get neck injuries. Cross country runners often have low-back pain. Baseball players get knee and ankle injuries. Whatever your sport or injury, chiropractic can help.

We work with athletes from both local high schools, and we encourage parents to get chiropractic care for their active teens.

Frequency of Care

Whether you were injured playing a recreational game of flag football with friends, or your child got hurt in the state championship, Dr. Hoover can provide the care needed to get better quickly. The length of treatment depends on many factors, including the severity of the injury, but in most cases, we will want to see the patient three times per week for the first few weeks. We do a complete exam, including digital X-rays onsite. If we need additional imaging, such as an MRI or CT scan, we can refer you out to an imaging clinic we work with nearby.

Get Care Today

The sooner we treat an injury, the more quickly you can recover. Contact us today to get started.


Sports Chiropractic Madison AL | (256) 772-2370