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Keep Your Body Pain Free on Vacation

person relaxing on beachFrom setting sail on a 10-day cruise, to taking a transatlantic flight, to doing a cross-country road trip, summer travels are much anticipated. While everyone looks forward to vacation, they don’t enjoy the various aches and pains that sometimes accompany travel.

These include neck pain from sleeping on a hotel pillow or mattress, “economy class syndrome,” which refers to cramping in the legs, buttocks or feet, or back pain from long car rides or lifting heavy luggage.

Here are some tips for preventing pain and discomfort, so you can enjoy your vacation:

Take Regular Stretch Breaks

If you’re driving to your vacation destination, it’s a good idea to break up a long drive into segments. Consider stopping every few hours to stretch and walk around. If you’re flying, get out of your seat about every hour or two and do some stretches or walk the aisle.

Get Adjusted

Plan to get adjusted before your trip and afterward. By getting chiropractic care, you’ll be less likely to get injured, and you can enjoy greater function and mobility, so you can get the most out of your vacation. If you experience back or neck pain while on your trip, give Back Care Plus a call. Getting adjusted afterward can relieve aches and pains.

Take Your Own Pillow

Having a good supportive pillow with you during your travels can allow you to get a good night’s sleep and wake up refreshed and without neck pain.

Roll on the Relief

Instead of relying on OTC pain medication, bring topical pain relievers, such as Biofreeze. You can roll on the relief so you can enjoy your vacation activities without the discomfort.

Remember the Ice Pack

If you’re driving, bring an ice pack in a cooler. Ice can be used for acute injuries or pain, as well as inflammation and swelling.

We want to help you have a happy and pain-free vacation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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